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The Joint - Stock Company (JSC)

Makinsk Plant "Porshnecomplect"

    Engineering works of piston rings - Makinsk is one of the leading enterprise in. The region of the machine - building, more fifty five years producing the piston. Rings for agricultural and automobile machines.At the same time we output in the capacity of the consumer goods the piston rings for passenger cars, minitractors, mo1ohloks,motorcultivators. Modern special equipment.the high level technology let us make the rings on a world level standards. The technical control on our enterprise is carring out the all stages on the manufacture with a special measure tools and devices. The special chemical, spectrum, measurement laboratories that are placed on the enterprise make tests tor piston rings which quarantined their best quality. By mass production the piston rings make size from 28 mm to 330 mm. The plant also makes single complete an order for different kinds compressors and hydraulic seals. Permanent work on the perfection of technology, quality let us keep the level oftlte manufacture according to the modern requirements that are presented to the piston rings. Possibility forms for co-operation:

- suppling the rings made by your draughts;

- mastering your's interest produce on our plant;

If you are take an interest of our information we are ready for the new kinds of co-operation and commodity markets.

The Trade Servise Comrle ofAdricyltural machines (TSKAM) are floated in the Joint-Stock Company "Porshnccomplect" TSKAM is the independent multiprofile private enterprise in the form of the limited ResposibilityCompany. The founders are the Association "Centreagromash" (51%) and the enterprises of our Republic (49%) The main action directions of TSKAM:

-to do a service the farmers to fultrl the agricultural works (all kings of the coltivation of the land, souring, harvesting, transportation, treatment, rale of the production and othes)

- to inform the farmers about the agricultural technics and the spare parts

- to sell the technics and the spare parts.

- to organize the repairs, maintenance and diagnostics of the technics for the farmers

- to produce own agricultural productions

In the next stage they will get the other kinds of service of the TSKAM

- to provide farmers with the catepillar tractors, pesticides and fertilizing, highquality materials for seed

- to treat and sell agricultural productions, delivered by farmers

- to teach and give consulting services to the farmers

The Makinsk Plant has profitable geographical location, providing for the succesfully fulfil the functions of TSKAM. The Plant has all the necessary areas, buildings and it is equipped with all kinds of access roads. The technics and spare parts for sale and fulfil of main actions of TSKAM is intended to get from nthe enterprises of Association on the consign services.





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