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Joint -stock company " KAZAKHSTANTRACTOR"


The Open Joint - Stock Company "Litelshtk"

The Joint-Stock Company " The Shaped Casting Plant"

The limited Rcsposib'ility Company "Modelshik"

Forge Foundry is in Joint tock Company "Kazahstantractor". The Forge Foundry cunionists of an ion foundry shop, a steel foundry shop, a repair foundry shop, a forge shop and a shop of wooden models. The has a specialize I shop on preparation and mechanical supply of blending and starting moulding materials with automated system of preparation and clayish emulsion supply to moulding rooms of the foundary shops, which keeps all comlex of the founder shops continuously working. The occupied area of 1 000 200 m2. The powers of blank output makes up in a year:

stell casting (founding)= thousand ton
forging = 60000 ton fluid metall
steel =169 thousand ton
foundry iron = 130000 ton

Casting and forging shops of the plant are suppled uith modern technological equipment using processes.

The moulding is produced in the automated pressed moulding lines (overall dimensions 900У600, 200/200 mm) with specific pressure

40 kg/sm2, and lerge-scale shaped casts (overall dimensions 1150У1050У400/500 mm) Maximum possible overall dimensions of the blanks

Stell casting 896x350x400x(wei fill 150 kg) Iron casting 900У700У500 (weigh fill 500). Nomenclature of blanks is very different;

case casting of blanks is very different;

case casting as a class of case transmission,

cases to final drives, cases of bearings, sanitary engineering fittings, brake drums for motor cars, sewer-hatches, gratings, filled for cattle -breeding complex. Blanks for machine building enterprices, spare parts, railway carriages and others Having free powers, our plant is ready to co-operate with investors for intrduction of new technologies and preparation of products wich are in market demand, in the mutually beneficial condition

A casting and forging plant consists of several casting and forging stamping shops. Capacity of foundry is 300000 tonns of casting a year. It is produced casting of different compiling of greylron and highly strong iron, castings of carbon and higly manganous steel. Planned capacity of foundry and stamping shops is 50000 forging 01 carbon, alloyed and highly alloyed steel a year. Tool-making production includes cutting and measuring tools, stamps, press-forms, technological and non-standard equipment.

I lie kimitcd Resposihility Company "Modelshik" Making of metall and wooden models, riggings to every king of machine parts, makes of non-ferrous casting and plastics, badges, memorable medals, various makes of wood

The Limited Resposibility Company "I he Trade House Tractor" Halizes the production of enterprices, entering into the association "Centeragromach" makes productions for machine - building plants to order Marketing investigations , putting into new markets of productions of industrial enterprices, regions of the UIS and distant foreign lands belong to the action of our Trad

The OJSC "Liteishik"

Republic of Kazakhstan

637027, Pavlodar, Cosmonavt str, 1

Tel/fax: (318-2) 32-86-67, teletype: 21-01-51 "Luch"

director Filin Genadi Niconorovich

TeL/fax: 32-86-67. 39-23-46


637027, Pavlodar, Cosmonavt str,l

Tel.: (318-2) 39-25-03 Fax: (318-2)32-24-38

director Baijumanov Victor Petrovich

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